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Branko and Paolo Fox are two of the most famous and reliable representatives of traditional horoscope. They are eagerly followed and awaited by many people who are interested in astrology. They provide important advice on how to behave in specific situations that will inevitably impact the day of February 3, 2024.

Branko starts by giving predictions for each zodiac sign. For Aries, he suggests that they may be strongly jealous in love and in other contexts, and they may need to reassess their priorities. As for Taurus, a small event will greatly affect their mood, especially because their mental fatigue will be evident. They should not pretend that everything is fine because it will only make things worse.

Gemini will be practical and strong in love but also quite vulnerable in other contexts. They will be very “human” in this phase. Cancer should be careful about changing their opinion throughout the day. It’s not a problem to change their mind, but they need to consider the context.

Leo is too focused on unattainable results and needs to prioritize what is best for a group rather than themselves. Virgo may not pay enough attention to others’ ideas, but they are not selfish enough to go completely unnoticed.

Libra’s improved dialectical skills will make them very productive and convincing, but they also need to find motivational foundations. Scorpio will do well to limit their social presence for a while because there will be a lot of smoke and little substance in their interactions.

Sagittarius is capable of feeling better with less, but they need to question whether they are truly in shape to handle it. Capricorn will have difficulty fully understanding what others have to say and may miss out on some sincere compliments.

Aquarius needs to be careful about giving the right compliment at the wrong moment in their love life. It’s better for them to listen more than act. Finally, Pisces will benefit from speaking less and using their persuasive skills with fewer words.

Branko then goes on to provide additional predictions for each zodiac sign. For Aries, it will be a seemingly “normal” day with little to complain about, even in love. Taurus, on the other hand, will face complexity but will be ready to deal with new things. They should not choose the familiar and safe path.

Gemini needs concrete novelties to face them with the right attitude. They have priorities that they need to address. Cancer’s work rhythm will follow a known trend, but there will be some small changes.

Leo may adopt an attitude strongly tied to their identity, almost trying to convince themselves. However, this will only make them appear more immature than usual. Virgo will have a day far from being able to relax, as there are still many things they need to take care of.

Libra will have an issue that requires urgent attention, even if it initially doesn’t interest them much. They should keep their eyes open. Scorpio will face small adversities and will need to feel appreciated without expressing it too clearly.

Sagittarius will experience significant changes in their love life due to indecision. Many Sagittarians who are already in a relationship will have to make a choice. Capricorn’s mood will tend to be negative, and they may not understand why, but what matters is finding a way to feel better.

Aquarius’s dialectical skills are at a good level, but they may struggle to internalize others’ concepts. Finally, Pisces will see their seemingly distant goals come closer as they change their way of working and operating. In hindsight, they could have thought about it earlier.
Continua a leggere su MediaTurkey: previsioni per tutti i segni zodiacali


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