Horizon Zero Dawn: patch in arrivo per la problematica versione PC

A pochi giorni dall’uscita del primo update della versione PC di Horizon Zero Dawn, la Guerrilla Games aggiorna nuovamente il titolo con la patch 1.02.


La patch in questione dovrebbe sistemare definitivamente i molteplici problemi che il best seller, esclusiva PS4 fino a non troppo tempo fa, affliggono il porting PC dell’opera di Guerrilla Games. Tra i principali problemi risolti dalla patch abbiamo il fastiodissimo crash all’avvio e la mancata sincronizzazione di alcune animazioni su schermi a più di 30Hz. Anche le prestazioni in generale dovrebbero aver ricevuto un lieve miglioramento. Nonostante ciò, è ancora consigliato non spingere al massimo le opzioni grafiche nel caso si riscontravano grossi problemi di fluidità prima di questa patch.

In ogni caso, le problematiche di certe situazioni specifiche sono ancora tutte presenti: il lancio su PC di horizon zero dawn infatti non è andato esattamente come era auspicabile, ma il team ha detto che il lavoro di debug non si fermerà di certo qui, sembra infatti che Guerrilla sia intenzionata a migliorare costantemente il gioco, come testimoniano l’arrivo di ben due aggiornamenti in soli 10 giorni. Se volete scoprire ogni singolo dettaglio dell’aggiornamento, vi invitiamo a leggere il changelog completo ufficiale di Guerrilla Games, che vi riportiamo qui al completo ed in lingua originale:

Known Issues

  • Some players are experiencing an out of memory error during the game optimization process.
  • Some players are experiencing GPU-related hangs during gameplay. The improved diagnostic data collection added in Patch 1.01 and Patch 1.02 is aimed at making it easier to track these down.
  • Some players are experiencing graphical settings issues, such as Anisotropic Filtering or HDR not working correctly.
  • Some players are experiencing performance issues on specific GPUs or hardware combinations.
  • Some players with a non-Latin-1 codepage may have had their save games missing after Patch 1.01, we have a script that can help relocate the missing save games. Please reach out to our team here using “Report Other Issue” for support.
  • We’re aware of and continue to investigate issues on both the player-compiled lists by u/EvilMonkeySlayer and u/Rampage572 – thank you!

Patch Notes

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some players would crash during their first game boot when the ‘game optimization’ screen is active and they ran out of disc space.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would crash if they updated their video drivers after the game was already optimized previously.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would crash during gameplay because of memory incorrectly being overwritten.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would crash during gameplay due to a texture unstreaming bug.


Game Improvements

  • Improved performance when auto-saving (e.g. when completing a quest step).
  • Fixed an issue where some players experienced that V-sync wouldn’t properly turn off in borderless mode
  • Fixed an issue where some players experienced out of sync facial animations due to them being locked at 30FPS.
  • Reduced memory used when streaming shaders.


Other changes

  • Improved crash report flow and messaging. Each crash now includes an identifier you can use to communicate with our Customer Support.
  • Added more features to improve diagnostic data collection when submitting a crash report.

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